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4/4 Full Size Carbon Fiber Acoustic Violin
  • 4/4 Full Size Carbon Fiber Acoustic Violin

    $4,539.99 Regular Price
    $4,085.99Sale Price

    Black Carbon Fiber Violin
    Price: $4,539.99
    Free Delivery in Continental US.


    The carbon fiber violin has a rich, resonant tone and wonderful projection. Our owners have described it using these phrases, “beautiful, easy to play and the sound is gorgeous… Has wonderful projection… Its tone is rich, resonant and the instrument itself speaks easily and is very responsive to my playing… an absolutely wonderful instrument. It is a pleasure to play and a joy to listen to… Its warmth and extra dynamic range makes it perfect for an amplified performance.”


    Weighing less than a pound, this violin brings together the best of the violins Louie most admired in his 60 years as a professional musician. He was most influenced by Joseph Guarnerius del Gesù, but it also has characteristics from Amati, Montagnana, Stradivarius, J.B. Guadagnini and the rest of the Guarneri family.


    Instrument Care

    • Impervious to changes in weather and humidity
    • Almost completely resistant to damage – 5x stronger than steel
    • Very little time and effort to maintain – clean with Windex!
    • Only one bridge is needed throughout the year
    • Perfect for Beginner Students


    Why not buy/rent an “intermediate” violin for your local shop? Because even the greatest violinists would have difficulty drawing a nice sound from a $100 “starter” instrument.

    Incredibly responsive, the  carbon fiber violin rewards beginning students with a beautiful tone and effortless projection right from the start. Very resistant to damage, requiring very little maintenance, and staying in tune between lessons, this violin is especially perfect for young children.


    With its unique design and carbon fiber thread pattern, beginner students will be inspired to pick up and play this instrument every day!


    This is an instrument that will carry you beautifully into a professional career in music without any regular maintenance expenses except for changing the strings.


    Excellent for soloists and orchestra/pit musicians, the projection stands up against a full orchestra or grand piano. The violin can articulate the softest passages but has enough power to fill a hall when needed.


    Perfect for musicians wanting to play in any climate, and in situations that may expose instruments to damage (such as touring, hiking, pit orchestras, schools, bars, etc). Our owners have climbed mountains with their carbon fiber violins, played on a boat in Alaska, recorded music videos underwater, and even danced while playing on national television.

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